I really should go to sleep now. Wait for the seroquel to kick in........(any time now)
Anyway, since Noelle posted a photo of herself, here is me looking cross-eyed at the mirror:

This blog was started as co-project with the other work we have been doing in Canberra. We thought it would be a good idea to keep our a record of journey for change in the treatment services avaliable to eating disorder sufferers in the ACT and surrounding NSW regions. All people involved with this project have suffered an eating disorder in some way, and all of us have struggled to find adequate treatment services.
This is a picutre of Katy and I right before the forum. We were so hyped up on nerves and excitement! I think Jan was doing a phone interview just behind where the camera is. haha. It was pouring with rain and I forgot that I was wearing sunnies. Oopsies.
When Katy and Hannah get around to it, they will introduce themselves, but for now, I am going to talk about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
That's me. Looking thoughtful and planning our next media escapades. I belive that was taken about 3 mintues before earth hour. But I was too scared to turn the lights out totally...I was home alone and it was dark and I couldn't find the candles. I enjoy appearing thoughtful and intelligent. Haha.
I should also go to bed as I have a long day tomorrow :) Hopefully Katy or Hannah will update soon so you don't have to listen to only my nonsensicle rantings!
From L-R -> Cate Clark (Mental Health Nurse, Eating Disorders Specialist and presenter), Kathryn Scott, Hannah McAlister, Noelle Graham, Jacqui Burke MLA, Jan Clarke (Psychologist, CEO of The Bronte Foundation and International Eating Disorders Advocate).
Keep your eyes peeled becuase there will be a feature of us in The Canberra Times in the following weeks!!! :)
Ciao for now!
Noelle xoxo.