Hi! Noelle claims her ramblings are nonsensical but it is 11:39pm and I should really be sleeping, so I doubt I'm going to make any sense at all. Probably I will read this in the morning and scratch my head in wonderment. Is wonderment even a word? Well it is now.
Tomorrow I am Taking Action and spreading youth week posters all over ANU. I figure I'll plaster them over toilet doors or something - that way people sit down and Bam! I have a captive audience.
Attending the Eating Disorder Program day program today really impressed on me how badly we need more services in Canberra/Queanbeyan - even the staff members admit that at the moment the program is little use. I find it to be little more than babysitting. The staff (well most of them) are all wanting to help and have the right attitude but they are just so lacking in resources and inspiration. Staff members say they would like to provide a 5-day a week program if they had the money for more staff, but I don't think that would be worth anyone's while unless they create a program that actually workds. There are TWO of us in the program at the moment. If it were working, more people would be being referred.
I really should go to sleep now. Wait for the seroquel to kick in........(any time now)
Anyway, since Noelle posted a photo of herself, here is me looking cross-eyed at the mirror:

Noelle has told me about the EDP and how shitty it is. I'm sorry there isn't more support in Canberra for people with ED. The work you guys are doing is awesome :D:D
The EDP is bad - but I just want to make really clear that it's not by fault of the program co-ordinators, it's the lack of funding, general services and structures of the program....Just so we're not laying blame anywhere but the lack of funding! :)
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