I just have some pictures to share with you:

These are the notes we made for the "media guidelines :) That was from a few days ago - but just letting you know that we DO actually work - we don't just do things on a whim!!!

This is Hannah enjoying her sushi lunch. We got coffee - and then got distracted by sea-weedy goodness :)

This is me (Noelle) with one of her besties...haha. Diet coke. yay.
Today was fantastic! I think we're still on a high from this morning! Was such great fun.
TOTALLY looking forward to tomorrow! yay! Come along! Paint a scale!
Here's the video of our interview this morning (it's really only audio, but we had to put it in video format to upload it). I'm still trying to upload the video from the ABC interview :)
Well done to all of you - the interview was great! Good luck tomorrow night at Garema Place. Keep up the good work.
I am so proud of you guys for speaking out - you did an awesome job!
Hopefully people listening will have learnt something new, or maybe even felt encouraged to find out a bit more about EDs themselves.
And just think great it would be if there was that one girl or guy out there that heard what you had to say & decides to speak out themselves or get treatment.
Keep up the great work girls - you are doing an amazing thing!
hey just want to say you guys are amazing and so insperational.
i am from england and know noelle from a recovery site we became close i am currently having issues with my internet and would love you to pass my email address on to her so we can keep in touch. she has helped me alot in my recovery and i dont wanna loose her.
email address
beth xxxx
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